Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 73 Project 365- All signs point to yes! (73/365)

Project 365- All signs point to yes! (73/365)

I'm still in awe about the price of textbooks here in Thailand. They are actually subsidized by the school department so the same book that would have cost me $100 in the States is less than $10 here.


  1. Damn... I'm asking you to send me my text from over there next semester then. Kinda wished I could've done that this sem, but I didn't get a hold of the book list until a day after my classes started.
    ps. the pens aren't pointing to a "yes", I think.

  2. Yes, they're cheap. But are those books original copies too?

  3. It's the international version. My department further absorbs some of the costs to make the prices a little more bearable. I'm probably paying the difference in school tuition , but its nice to see the effort to make learning more affordable :(
